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- $Id: thor.faq 1.5 1996/10/08 11:57:44 pettern Exp pettern $
- - Download speed DMA contention etc.
- =======================================================================
- THOR Frequently Asked Questions
- Last updated 24 Sep 1996
- Maintained by:
- Petter Nilsen (pettern@icenet.no)
- =======================================================================
- General:
- ~~~~~~~~
- 1.1 What is this 'system' you talk about all the time?
- 1.2 "Failed to load the configuration datafiles."
- 1.3 "Systems Config -> Type" is empty.
- 1.4 When I quit THOR, it doesn't free all the memory used. Why?
- 1.5 "waitforport" in ARexx scripts fail from within THOR.
- 1.6 Multiuser filesystem (MuFS) problems with THOR.
- 1.7 Moving the database correctly.
- 1.8 Waitpointer is "hanging" after some operation.
- 1.9 Adding messages to the database is slow.
- 1.10 How to repair broken or damaged message databases.
- 1.11 How to snapshot the window positions.
- 1.12 XPK/DiskExpander problems
- 1.13 Where to get the latest versions of THOR.
- 1.14 What is the latest version of THOR?
- 1.15 How do I save several messages in a single operation?
- 1.16 My list of events doesn't seem to clear.
- Internet:
- ~~~~~~~~~
- 2.1 Password is not accepted at a POP host
- 2.2 ConnectTHOR still running after being closed with the close
- window gadget.
- 2.3 What is socket.library?
- 2.4 "Could not open socket.library".
- 2.5 "domain name missing.." when sending mail.
- 2.6 Error message when trying to select a newsgroup to join.
- 2.7 Collecting mail with SMTPd instead of POP3.
- 2.8 "Connection refused" when using "Get Mail".
- 2.9 How do a send a carbon copy of a mail to several users?
- 2.10 How do a get a list of newsgroups from the newsserver?
- 2.11 "You must configure e-mail address for the system..."
- 2.12 The progressbar's total counts down on newscollection.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.1 - What is this "system" you talk about all the time?
- To put it simple, a system is either a particular BBS, an Internet
- provider or a Fido site. You can use THOR to read messages or
- postings from many systems.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.2 - "Failed to load the configuration datafiles."
- 1. Since the message database is located on disk, it is sensitive to
- whatever might happen to the disk. In case of a disk crash or similar
- problem, use one of the commercial or shareware tools that can fix
- such problems. DiskSalv, Quarterback Tools or AmiBack Tools are all
- recommended for this purpose.
- 2. One or more of the datafiles that THOR needs might be corrupt or
- damaged. Take a backup of your database, then use BaseManager to fix
- the problem. If not even that helps, you may have to delete the
- conference (or in the worst case, the whole system and make a new
- one). It might help to copy the .bak file for the reported failed
- file over the original.
- 3. If the IoErr: value is 103, you do not have enough memory to start
- See also "Repairing a damaged database".
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.3 - When I try to configure a new system, the "Type" gadget is empty.
- THOR isn't installed correctly. Re-run the installation, reboot and
- try again. If you don't want to install again, you might execute the
- cfg* scripts i <YourThorDir>/s/ from shell with the command "execute".
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.4 - When I quit THOR, it doesn't free all the memory used. Why?
- bbsread.library uses a buffering system. The buffers will not be
- freed immediately by the library. The library will flush the buffers
- after 5 minutes if the library isn't used anymore. You can flush the
- library manually with the "avail flush" command, but AmigaOS will
- automatically flush the library from memory when the memory is needed
- by some other program if the library is not in use anymore.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.5 - "waitforport" in ARexx scripts fail from within THOR.
- Associated problems:
- THOR does not find programs I start from within THOR, like the
- ThorStat program, even if the directory these programs reside in is in
- my path. I have made sure I have the correct path statement in my
- user-startup. What it wrong?
- Answer:
- If you have made sure you use the ADD keyword to the path command in
- your user-startup and that this directory actually exists, one
- possible reason might be that you start THOR as a WB Prosess from
- ToolManager. The WB Startup code in ToolManager is buggy and ignores
- any path, so you should start THOR as a CLI prosess from ToolManager
- instead (WBStart-handler 1.4 included with ToolManager 2.1a fixes this
- problem). THOR will inherit the path even if started from Workbench
- since THOR converts itself to a cli prosess on startup.
- ParM will show simular (bad) behaviour when started from WB, so start
- if from CLI whenever possible.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.6 - Multiuser filesystem problems with THOR.
- Due to a bug in MultiUsers handling of async lowlevel dos packets, the
- files in all THOR's datadirs must be set up without any user or group.
- This can be done with the following command:
- mprotect `getenv thor/bbsdatapath` RWD group RWD other RWD all
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.7 - Moving the database correctly.
- Sometimes it might be useful to move the THOR installation to another
- disk or somewhere else on the same disk. This can be done in the
- following fashion:
- 1. Make sure you are not running THOR and flush the memory with the
- command "avail flush" from a shell.
- 2. Move the database to wherever you want it.
- 3. Change envarc:THOR/THORPath to point to the new directory you have
- THOR in.
- 4. Change envarc:THOR/BBSReadPath to point to the new directory you
- have you database. The database is usually stored in a "data"-subdir
- under the THOR directory.
- 5. Reboot.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.8 - Waitpointer is "hanging" after some operation.
- This can happen with certain commodities that change the mouse pointer
- in various ways. Particular older programs (eg. QMouse) is known to
- not handle this correctly. Try running without these programs.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.9 - Adding messages to the database is slow.
- Several things can be done to speed this up:
- - Turn off the "Add Users" option on the system in question in Systems
- Config -> Import/Export.
- - Open the user database window and delete all the users you do not
- want in the database. Then select Maintenance in this same window.
- - Set up more buffers and higher buffer size in Global Config ->
- Database options. 15 buffers on 15K is a good setting if you can
- afford to use that kind of memory.
- - If you use XPK packing, turn off "Auto XPK packing" in
- Global Config -> Database options.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.10 - How to repair broken or damaged message databases.
- If you experience problems adding messages to the database, reading
- messages or other related problems, follow these steps:
- - Make sure you are not running THOR and flush the memory with the
- command "avail flush" from a shell.
- - Run the program "basemanager" with the validate switch:
- bin/basemanager validate <systemname>
- eg. bin/basemanager validate "news&mail"
- - Use the ARexx script "CheckDatabase.br" with the DELETE switch:
- rx rexx/bbsread/checkdatabase.br <systemname> DELETE
- eg. rexx/bbsread/checkdatabase.br "news&mail" DELETE
- - Now, enter the conference with a problem with THOR and make sure
- you have the message list window open. Multiselect (with the shift
- key) all messages with "*BAD DATA*" or "Failed to get message data"
- and then select Delete msgs from the menu.
- - When you have preformed the steps above, select "pack/purge" on
- this system from within THOR or use the "bin/packbbs" program.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.11 How to snapshot the window positions.
- Select "Visual Options" from the Configuration menu and then "Save".
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.12 XPK/DiskExpander problems
- - DiskExpander is very buggy and should not be used under any
- circumstances until it has been updated. AFAIK, the authors are
- "working" on fixing the known problems with DE.
- - XPK packing is supported directly in THOR, and this is more
- efficient than running THOR on a partition with XPK. However, there
- seem to be problems when using RAKE as compressior, but later NUKE
- versions has been tested and works fine. If you have a problem with
- RAKE or any other methods, NUKE is generally a good alternative.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.13 Where to get the latest versions of THOR.
- The latest versions and fixes can always be found for ftp at
- ftp://hstud6.cs.uit.no/pub/thor/ and ftp://thule.icenet.no/pub/thor/,
- and on our mirror ftp site at ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/mirrors/thor/thor/.
- THOR World Wide Web site: http://www.cs.uit.no/~kjelli/thor.html
- These sites might contain fixes, ARexx scripts etc. not released on
- Aminet.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.14 What is the latest version of THOR?
- THOR 2.31 is the latest version and this is an upgrade to 2.3. A new
- utgui.library that fixes compatibility problems with OS 2.x is also
- available at our ftp site.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.15 How do I save several messages in a single operation?
- Open the message list window and select the messages to save with the
- mouse while holding the shift key in. Then select save from the menu
- and all the selected messages will be saved to the same file.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.16 My list of events doesn't seem to clear.
- Open the event edit window and check for events with FRZ and ERR in
- front of them. When these are gone (eg. deleted), the list will be
- cleared the next time you send events from ConnectTHOR.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.1 Password is not accepted at a POP host
- There are several reasons why a password might be rejected at the POP
- host when trying to collect mail:
- - You are trying to get mail from a server you do not have an account
- on.
- - You have some special characters like *#? etc. in the password.
- Due to the way passwords are sent to GetTCP from ConnectTHOR, some of
- these special characters might be interpreted by AmigaDOS and changed.
- For instance, if you have a password with a '*' character in, make sure
- you pass in an extra '*'. Eg: "pass*word" becomes "pass**word".
- **** This problem was fixed in 2.3 of THOR. ****
- - You have a password longer than 8 characters. Many POP servers do not
- accept passwords on more than 8 characters.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.2 ConnectTHOR still running after being closed with the close
- window gadget.
- ConnectTHOR is a commodity and normal behaviour on commodities is to
- hide the program and not quit it when using the close gadget in the
- window.
- If you want to quit ConnectTHOR, use the Quit menu item instead.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.3 What is socket.library?
- socket.library is originally a library included with AS225r2 beta, a
- TCP/IP stack made by Commodore but never released to the public.
- However, since this is a nice and easy TCP/IP stack and a lot of
- developers use it, the THOR TCP programs have been programmed to use
- it. If you use AmiTCP, like most do, you need the socket.library for
- AmiTCP that emulates the AS225r2 socket.library in a way that makes
- AS225r2 programs work. This library is included with Grapevine, the
- IRC client, and can also be found on ftp://hstud6.cs.uit.no/pub/thor.
- ***********************************************************************
- Starting from THOR 2.3, the TCP modules do not need this library to
- work with AmiTCP.
- ***********************************************************************
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.4 "Could not open socket.library".
- Your socket.library is not installed correctly. Do the following:
- - Assign inet: to Amitcp:, like this: "Assign inet: amitcp:"
- - Create a directory called "libs" in Amitcp: (if it doesn't exist
- already).
- - Copy socket.library to Amitcp:libs.
- - Setup the SOCKETCONFIG file in envarc:/env: as described in the
- socket.library documentation.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.5 "domain name missing.." when sending mail.
- Your socket.library is not correctly configured. Create a file in envarc:
- and env:. Here's my file:
- UID=100 GID=100 USER=pettern DOMAIN=icenet.no UMASK=002
- Replace the USER with you username, and DOMAIN with your domain,
- and it should work fine.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.6 Error message when trying to join a newsgroup.
- Error message when trying to join a newsgroup:
- Failed to load the configuration datafiles.
- Error in dh1:thor/data/bbs0/PassConf.Data.
- Cause: Dos failure
- IoErr reports 103
- This error messages means that you do not have enough continues memory
- to load the large list of newsgroups into memory.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.7 Collecting mail with SMTPd instead of POP3.
- Some Internet providers do not provide POP3 mail. Mail needs to me
- collected using a SMTP deamon in these cases, and the "Get Mail"
- function in ConnectTHOR can not be used. However, THOR will read
- mailboxes created by any SMTPd just fine if you follow these steps:
- - Set the download directory in Global Config->Paths to the directory
- where incoming mail is stored.
- - Set the Mailpacket name in Systems Config to the name of the mailbox
- that is created by SMTPd and save.
- THOR will now automatically import these mailboxes into its database
- when you enter the system configured for Internet.
- Installation of the SMTP deamon is beyond the scope of this FAQ, see
- the supplied documentation for the SMTPd in question for how to do
- this. INetUtils on Aminet includes a SMTPd that will work fine.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.8 "Connection refused" when selecting "Get Mail".
- See 2.1 and 2.7.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.9 How do a send a carbon copy of a mail to several users?
- You can send a carbon copy of a mail to several users using one of the
- following methods:
- 1. In the to-address gadget, enter all addresses separated with a ','
- (comma).
- 2. Use the popup gadget to select all the users from a list of users in the
- user database.
- 3. Enter at the very top of the message text a "Cc:" line containing
- the addresses of the users to send a carbon copy to. Example:
- Cc: user1,user2,user3
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.10 How do a get a list of newsgroups from the newsserver?
- Select "Get Conf.List" from the Events menu, then select "Send Events"
- in ConnectTHOR and a list of newsgroups will be collected. This might
- take some time, so be patient.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.11 "You must configure e-mail address for the system..."
- If you get this message when sending mail, open the system
- configuration from THOR, select the system with the problem, then
- select the user info gadget. Enter your full email address in the
- email address field and select save. Try again.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.12 The progressbar's total counts down on newscollection.
- You might notice that the total value in the progressbar on getting news
- counts down. This can be of various reasons, but the most normal reason
- is that an article is not available anymore on the newsserver due to
- cancellation. Another reason can be a short expire of articles on the
- server so that you do not have time to collect it before it's being
- deleted.